Giving Back

Community Counts

We're Grateful for Opportunities to Give Back to Our Community

At Old Republic Surety, our employees live out what it means to be a part of the community. It's also one of our core values:

"Generous - we do what we can to help others achieve more."

Our employees work hard to support charities by giving their personal time, talents and resources.

We rise by lifting others!


Our Community Involvement

Ways we get involved in our community include:

  • Bunks Across America
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • Hunger Task Force
  • United Way Backpack Coalition Drive
  • Hurricane Relief with Company Match
  • A Place of Refuge Baby Drive
  • Annual Employee Charity Auction
  • And more!
Charity Pay It Forward Orion Graphic

Pay It Forward Employee Campaign

Spread Generosity

Each year we give our employees the opportunity to "pay it forward" by giving employees $100 to donate to a person or entity of their choice. There are no rules, so employees may give it to a designated charity or simply to a neighbor in need. Through this effort, we have been able to make a difference in the community:

"I donated the $100 (and some of my own $) to the local SE Wisconsin Epilepsy Foundation in Milwaukee, a wonderful organization working to improve the lives of people with epilepsy. This is near and dear to my heart since my oldest daughter deals with this neurological condition; she is fortunate that medication completely controls her epilepsy. There are 3 million people in the U.S. alone living with this condition. My hope is that this donation will be put toward more research to aid other people who take medication, but still have seizures every day. I truly appreciate this opportunity to share the money from Old Republic Surety as we 'Pay It Forward.'"
   - Dona

"I have chosen to donate $100 to Marti Park Foundation of the Community Foundation of Western PA & Eastern Ohio. It helps fund, maintain, and renovate the park, which provides an inclusive playground, handicapped-accessible restrooms, walking trails, and youth sports fields. It represents what I love about my community: It is a safe place for children to play, have fun, and exercise. I appreciate Old Republic Surety for granting me this opportunity further to support my local community and a great cause."
   - Mark 

"I was able to help a young, single father who is working very hard to make a good life for himself and his son. He was very appreciative. Thank you Old Republic!"
   - Valerie

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