Coming Through with a Quick ‘Yes’ to Save the Day Change orders from a general contractor created a challenging bond issue that needed a quick resolution. Old Republic Surety (ORS) was able to provide the ...
Wooden blocks that spell the word BOND BOND: Not an ‘Ugly’ 4-Letter Word Surety bonds have garnered an unfortunate reputation of being “ugly” or “uncomfortable” for independent insurance agents for many reasons.
Person signing a document A Lost Art: The Submission Letter In the olden days, before Zoom or Microsoft TEAMS, or even before (gasp) email … when a surety agent would submit an account to a surety underwriter there was ...
Underwriting Trainee Program Graduation 2023 Group Picture Old Republic Surety Trains for the Future Old Republic Surety is committed to excellence in underwriting and is developing underwriters to continue to grow. Our underwriter training program allows ...
People in a meeting smiling The Real Life of Regional Vice President Shayne Albine: Making Surety Cool “Seeing people grow into their roles and assisting them reaching their full potential is something I am very passionate about,” says Shayne Albine, who has worked ...
Two people shaking hands Navigating Obstacles to Go the Extra Mile for Clients Going the extra mile is a well-known staple of good customer service, but sometimes that mile is not a direct route. It requires working around obstacles and ...
construction worker carrying hardhat FastBond: Simplifying Smaller Bid Performance and Payment Bonds for Agents and Contractors “We’ve targeted tight turnaround times from submission to approval using Old Republic Surety’s (ORS) FastBond process — the faster, the better,” says Todd Taylor, ...
skyline with arrows indicating growth opportunity Taking Your Construction Company to the Next Level There are many ways to grow a business, but the first step is to understand how you got to where you are, then decide what you need to do next to take your ...
Soup with acronym letters The Alphabet Soup of Federal Contracting A day in the life of a contract surety underwriter almost always includes wading through dozens of acronyms in bid documents and contracts. There are acronyms for ...
Internet Search 7 Tips to Help Your Agency Show Up Online Not long ago, customers searching for surety bonds looked in the yellow pages of a thing called the phone book. Now-a-days, most shopping begins with the ...

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