35 Years of Rockin' Bonds

35 Years of Rockin' Bonds

35 years ago, in 1986, Old Republic International Corporation purchased Northwestern National Surety Company, Lawyers Surety Company, and State Surety Company, and we became known as “Old Republic Surety Company”.

Yep, we’ve been rockin’ bonds for 35Facebook Post years! Though many things have changed over the years, from music to hairstyles to computers to ways of communicating or purchasing a bond, our dedication to the best personalized, expert service has not. We have grown tremendously over the last 35 years and are today able to offer bonds both large and small to our customers.

To celebrate this milestone, we are having some fun looking back to 1986, with some fun trivia, a new sweepstakes with 80’s and music-related prizes and swag, some great Spotify playlists and some memories from years past. Keep an eye on our facebook page and watch your emails for the upcoming sweepstakes and more!

Here are some playlists we've created with our agents participation to get you in the spirit!



Rockin' Bonds 1986 Playlist

Working from Home - Most Popular

Working From Home - Honorable Mention

Favorite 80's Songs

Favorite 90's Songs

Favorite Summer Songs

Favorite 00's Songs

Favorite Nostalgic Songs

Favorite Spooky Songs

Favorite Holiday Songs